There is a newer version of Luda.

Let's go!


Form elements are essential when collecting data from users. Luda makes it easy to create and control beautiful form elements.

Input Elements

In Luda, style classes are not added to <input> tags directly, we add them to containers instead. It’s more flexible to control and extend input element styles in this way. An input element is wrapped in a container which has the .fm class, we can combine different input style classes to create various kinds of input elements.

Text Field and Text Area

Add the .fm-text class to the .fm container to create a text filed or a text area.

<!-- Wrap an <input> -->
<div class="fm fm-text">
  <input placeholder="Enter some text">
<!-- Wrap a <textarea> -->
<div class="fm fm-text">
  <textarea placeholder="Enter more text"></textarea>

Search Field

Add the .fm-search class to the .fm container to create a search filed, an <input> tag suppots typing texts should be wrapped inside.

<div class="fm fm-search">
  <input type="search" placeholder="Search anything...">

Select Field

Add the .fm-select class to the .fm container to create a select field, a <select> tag should be wrapped inside. Default selected <options> can be set by seting the value of their selected attributes to selected.

<!-- A select field -->
<div class="fm fm-select">
  <select placeholder="Select a word">
    <option value="hello">Hello!</option>
    <option value="goodbye">Goodbye!</option>
<!-- A multiple select filed with a default selected option -->
<div class="fm fm-select">
  <select multiple placeholder="Select words">
    <option value="hello" selected="selected">Hello!</option>
    <option value="goodbye">Goodbye!</option>

Select Options in Javascript'#my-fm-select'), 0)

Select a specific option of a single select field by passing in the option’s index number.'#my-multiple-fm-select'), [0, 1])

Select specific options of a multiple select field by passing in an array which contains the options’ index numbers.

File Picker

Add the .fm-file class to the .fm container to create a file picker, an <input type="file"> tag should be wrapped inside. The value attribute of the wrapped <input> can be used to set a default value.

<!-- A file picker -->
<div class="fm fm-file">
  <input type="file" placeholder="Add a file">
<!-- A file picker can pick up multiple files with a default initial value -->
<div class="fm fm-file">
  <input type="file" multiple value="luda.min.css" placeholder="Add files">

Reset in Javascript


Reset a file picker.


Add the .fm-check class to the .fm container to create checkboxes, one or more <input type="checkbox"> tags can be wrapped inside.

<!-- A checkbox without a label -->
<div class="fm fm-check">
  <input type="checkbox">
<!-- Checkboxes with labels -->
<div class="fm fm-check">
  <label><input type="checkbox">Checkbox one</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox">Checkbox two</label>


Add the .fm-radio class to the .fm container to create radios. Just like creating checkboxes, one or more <input type="radio"> tags can be wrapped inside.

<!-- A radio without a label -->
<div class="fm fm-radio">
  <input type="radio" name="radio_example">
<!-- Radios with labels -->
<div class="fm fm-radio">
  <label><input type="radio" name="radio_example" value="one">Radio one</label>
  <label><input type="radio" name="radio_example" value="two">Radio two</label>

Range Slider

Add the .fm-range class to the .fm container to create a range slider, an <input type="range"> tag should be wrapped inside.

<div class="fm fm-range">
  <input type="range">

Input States

The state of an input element can be controlled by adding state attributes.


The data-readonly attribute pervents input elements from responding to user actions. To make an input element readonly, add the data-readonly attribute to itself and its .fm container.

<!-- A readonly text field -->
<div class="fm fm-text" data-readonly>
  <input data-readonly value="A readonly text field">
<!-- A readonly checkbox -->
<div class="fm fm-check" data-readonly>
  <label><input data-readonly checked type="checkbox">A readonly checkbox</label>
<!-- A readonly select field -->
<div class="fm fm-select" data-readonly>
  <select data-readonly placeholder="Select a word">
    <option selected="selected" value="hello">A readonly select with Hello selected</option>
    <option value="goodbye">Goodbye!</option>


An input element which has the disabled attribute cannot respond to user actions nor submitted. To disable an input element, add the disabled attribute to itself and its .fm container.

<!-- A disabled search field -->
<div class="fm fm-search" disabled>
  <input disabled value="This search field is disabled">
<!-- A disabled radio -->
<div class="fm fm-radio" disabled>
  <label><input disabled type="radio">This radio is disabled</label>
<!-- A disabled file picker -->
<div class="fm fm-file" disabled>
  <input disabled type="file" value="This file picker is disabled">

Input Element Modifiers

The size of input elements can be changed by adding size modifier classes.


If you want a smaller input element, add the .fm-small class to its .fm container.

<!-- A small checkbox -->
<div class="fm fm-check fm-small">
  <label><input type="checkbox">A small form checkbox</label>
<!-- A small range slider -->
<div class="fm fm-range fm-small">
  <input type="range">
<!-- A small search field -->
<div class="fm fm-search fm-small">
  <input placeholder="A small form search">
<!-- A small textarea -->
<div class="fm fm-text fm-small">
  <textarea placeholder="A small from textarea"></textarea>


The size of an input element can be larger by adding the .fm-large class to its .fm container.

<!-- A large radio -->
<div class="fm fm-radio fm-large">
  <label><input type="radio">A large form radio</label>
<!-- A large file picker -->
<div class="fm fm-file fm-large">
  <input type="file" placeholder="A large form file">
<!-- A large text filed -->
<div class="fm fm-text fm-large">
  <input placeholder="A large form text">
<!-- A large select field -->
<div class="fm fm-select fm-large">
  <select multiple placeholder="A large multiple select">
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>


Luda form elements takes all available space in the horizontal by default. If you want to change this behavior, you can add the .fm-inline to their .fm containers.

<!-- An inline search field -->
<div class="fm fm-search fm-inline">
  <input placeholder="An inline form search">
<!-- An inline file picker -->
<div class="fm fm-file fm-inline">
  <input type="file" placeholder="An inline form file">
<!-- An inline checkbox -->
<div class="fm fm-check fm-inline">
  <label><input type="checkbox">An inline checbox</label>

Input Helpers

Luda provides form hint and error text helpers for showing hints and errors of input elements.

Hint Texts

Add the data-hint attribute to the .fm container to show hint texts. The value of this attribute shows at the bottom of the .fm container.

<!-- Show hint texts for the text field -->
<div class="fm fm-text" data-hint="Your email will be a secret.">
  <input type="email" placeholder="Please enter your email">
<!-- Show hint texts for the radios -->
<div class="fm fm-radio" data-hint="Your gender also will be a secret.">
  <label><input type="radio" value="male">Male</label>
  <label><input type="radio" value="female">Female</label>

Error Texts

Add the data-error attribute to the .fm container to show error texts. The value of this attribute shows at the bottom of the .fm container.

A .fm container has both data-error attribute and data-hint attribute only shows the error texts.

<!-- Show error texts for the text field -->
<div class="fm fm-text" data-error="Email cannot be blank!">
  <input type="email" placeholder="Please enter your email">
<!-- Show error texts for the radios -->
<div class="fm fm-radio" data-error="Please choose your gender!">
  <label><input type="radio" value="male">Male</label>
  <label><input type="radio" value="female">Female</label>

Form Label

The label element represents a caption for an item in a form.


Add the .fm-label class to a <label> tag to create a caption for the text field.

<label class="fm-label">Fullname</label>
<div class="fm fm-text">
  <input placeholder="Please enter your fullname">

Form Label Modifiers

You can change a label’s size and show the “Required” texts by using label modifier classes.


Add the .fm-label-required class to show the “Required” text.

<label class="fm-label fm-label-required">Fullname</label>
<div class="fm fm-text">
  <input placeholder="Please enter your fullname">

Small LabelModifier

Add the .fm-label-small class to make the label smaller.

<label class="fm-label fm-label-small">Fullname</label>
<div class="fm fm-text fm-small">
  <input placeholder="Please enter your fullname">

Large LabelModifier

Add the .fm-label-large class to to make the label larger.

<label class="fm-label fm-label-large">Fullname</label>
<div class="fm fm-text fm-large">
  <input placeholder="Please enter your fullname">

Sass Variables


$form-element-inline-width-rem: 18rem !default
$form-element-small-inline-width-rem: 14rem !default
$form-element-large-inline-width-rem: 22rem !default
$form-element-horizontal-padding-em: strip-unit($spacing-small-rem) * 1em !default
$form-element-height-rem: 3rem !default
$form-element-small-height-rem: 2rem !default
$form-element-large-height-rem: 4rem !default
$form-element-multiple-rows-height-rem: 9rem !default

Default height of multiple select field and textarea.

$form-element-multiple-rows-small-height-rem: 6rem !default
$form-element-multiple-rows-large-height-rem: 12rem !default
$form-element-checkfield-size-em: 1.4em !default

Default size of checkboxes and radios.

$form-element-track-height-em: 0.4em !default
$form-element-thumb-height-em: 1.4em !default
$form-element-thumb-width-em: 1.4em !default


$form-element-typography-size-level: 5 !default
$form-element-small-typography-size-level: 6 !default
$form-element-large-typography-size-level: 4 !default


$form-element-border-width: $line-width-main !default
$form-element-border-style: solid !default
$form-element-border-radius: $border-radius-main !default
$form-element-border-color: $line-color-main !default
$form-element-border-color-on-error: $line-color-danger !default
$form-element-border-color-on-focus: $line-color-primary !default
$form-element-track-border-radius: $border-radius-main !default
$form-element-thumb-border-radius: 100% !default
$form-element-thumb-border-color: transparent !default
$form-element-thumb-border-color-on-error: $form-element-border-color-on-error !default
$form-element-thumb-border-color-on-focus: null !default


$form-element-color: $color-main !default
$form-element-color-on-error: null !default
$form-element-color-on-focus: null !default
$form-placeholder-color: $color-muted !default
$form-placeholder-color-on-error: null !default
$form-placeholder-color-on-focus: null !default


$form-element-background: $background-color-main !default
$form-element-background-on-focus: null !default
$form-element-background-on-error: null !default
$form-element-track-background: darken($background-color-muted, 4%) !default !default
$form-element-track-background-on-focus: null !default
$form-element-track-background-on-error: null !default
$form-element-thumb-background: $form-element-track-background !default
$form-element-thumb-background-on-error: null !default
$form-element-thumb-background-on-focus: $background-color-primary !default


$form-element-box-shadow: null !default
$form-element-box-shadow-on-focus: null !default
$form-element-box-shadow-on-error: null !default


$form-element-icon-size-em: 1.286em !default
$form-element-icon-color: $form-element-border-color !default
$form-element-icon-color-on-error: $form-element-border-color-on-error !default
$form-element-icon-color-on-focus: $form-element-border-color-on-focus !default
$form-element-search-icon: '<svg viewBox="..."><path fill="#fill"...</svg>' !default

The #fill texts will be automatically replaced by color values, you don’t need set it.

$form-element-select-icon: '<svg viewBox="..."><path fill="#fill"...</svg>' !default

The #fill texts will be automatically replaced by color values, you don’t need set it.

$form-element-add-icon: '<svg viewBox="..."><path fill="#fill"...</svg>' !default

The #fill texts will be automatically replaced by color values, you don’t need set it.

$form-element-checked-icon: '<svg viewBox="..."><path fill="#fill"...</svg>' !default

The #fill texts will be automatically replaced by color values, you don’t need set it.

$form-element-checked-icon-color: $form-element-color !default
$form-element-checked-icon-color-on-error: null !default
$form-element-checked-icon-color-on-focus: null !default


$form-helper-typography-size-level: 6 !default
$form-helper-small-typography-size-level: null !default
$form-helper-large-typography-size-level: 5 !default
$form-hint-color: $color-muted !default
$form-error-color: $color-danger !default


$form-label-typography-size-level: 5 !default
$form-label-small-typography-size-level: 6 !default
$form-label-large-typography-size-level: 4 !default
$form-label-color: $color-emphasis !default
$form-label-required-content: " | Required" !default
$form-label-required-color: $color-danger !default