There is a newer version of Luda.

Let's go!


Scrollbar styles are rewritten in CSS for a better appearance.


The scrollbar styles are written in pure CSS in Luda, the customized styles only shows for screens larger than the m width breakpoint. The styles only work for Webkit browsers and Edge browsers since Firefox doesn’t support customizing scrollbar appearances in CSS.


In the below example, customized scrollbar styles shows on middle size screens and large screens.

Sass Variables

$scrollbar-width-breakpoint: m !default

Default start breakpoint to show customized scrollbar styles.

$scrollbar-breakpoint-vertical-width-rem: $spacing-tiny-rem !default

Default vertical scrollbar width for webkit browsers.

$scrollbar-breakpoint-horizontal-height-rem: $scrollbar-breakpoint-vertical-width-rem !default

Default horizontal scrollbar height for webkit browsers.

$scrollbar-thumb-background: rgba(lighten($color-muted, 10%), $opacity-more-muted) !default

Default scrollbar thumb background for webkit browsers.

$scrollbar-thumb-border-radius: $scrollbar-breakpoint-vertical-width-rem !default

Default scrollbar thumb border radius for webkit browsers.

$scrollbar-edge-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar !default

Default scrollbar overflow style for Edge browsers.