There is a newer version of Luda.

Let's go!


Enhance the behavior of the enter key for a better interaction experience.


In native HTML, the click event is triggered on limited elements when the Enter key pressed. In Luda, checkboxes, radios and elements have a none negative tabindex attribute are enhanced. The click event will be triggered on them when they’re focused and the Enter key pressed. In some situations, this helps to improve interaction experience. Let’s see the below examples for clarification.

Checkbox Examples

States of these two checkboxes will be changed, when focused and the Enter key pressed.

<div class="fm fm-check">
    <input type="checkbox" name="example1" value="1"> One
    <input type="checkbox" name="example1" value="2"> Two

Radio Examples

Focus these radios by pressing the Tab key, then press the Enter key to see what happens.

<div class="fm fm-radio">
    <input type="radio" name="example2" value="1"> One
    <input type="radio" name="example2" value="2"> Two

Tabindex Examples

Focus this div by pressing the Tab key, then press the Enter key to see what will happen.
<div class="bc-primary p-small my-small c-light" tabindex="0" onclick="alert('clicked')">
  Focus this div by pressing the Tab key, then press the Enter key to see what will happen.

HTML Attributes


<!-- @example
Add data-enter="false" to the <html> tag to disable the
enhancement to the Enter key.
<html data-enter="false">...</html>