There is a newer version of Luda.

Let's go!


Before we start, here is a short introduction for you to better understand the concepts and features of Luda.

What is Luda

Luda is a library helps to build cross-framework UI components.

As the time of writting, 2020 is coming. There’re already awosome frameworks great for UI and application development in front-end community. Why something called Luda jumped out? Because this is the front-end community. (Don’t be serious, just a joke :)

If you stick to a specific framework or UI library, please just close the page, I don’t want to waste your time. But If you’re looking for something helps to create reusable components cross framewoks speaking different languages, you could give Luda a try.

Luda takes part in the process after templates parsed and leaves the parsing work like data binding and custom tag packaging to your faviroute frameworks. In this way, you can package reusable Luda components with utmost flexibility, no matter in a front-end framework or a back-end framework.


Kernel Engine

Inspired by Cash(A library like jQuery), the javascript part of Luda was rewritten in version 0.3.0. Most commonly used functions and classes for creating UI components were bundled together, I call them the kernel engine. You’ll learn Luda fast if you’re already familiar with jQuery.

Automatic Component Lifecycle Handling

Luda handles component lifecycle automatically based on Document Ready State and Mutation Observer. You don’t have to watch component changes manually, just define component helpers and everything else is taken care by Luda.

Automatic Component Dom Searching And Cache Management

Dom elements and event listeners maintained in component helpers are cached by the kernel engine when necessary. Caches are updated or removed automatically when component dom tree mutated.

Automatic Proxy Creating For Accessing Components Safely

Proxies which protect private properties are automitically created for named components. If a component user tries to access protected properties or methods of your components, warning messages will be printed on the dev console pannel.

Native Attributes And Events For Component Communication

Luda uses native html attributes as component props and native CustomEvents to dispatch messages and transfer data among components. No matter what framework you use, these native features work well.

Mixins For Component Code Reusing

The kernel engine includes a mixin module for sharing code snippets. You can package component properties and methods in a named or an anonymous mixin instance, and use it cross different components.

Built-in Components

Luda provides a set of built-in components which are created under a multiple theme architecture. These components are lightweight and modular, internal dependencies are carefully handled, even for sass dependencies. The implemented baseline grid is the most proud part of the built-in components. You can choose these components as a start.

Before version 1.0.0, only the default theme is released, new themes will be released after version 1.0.0.


Elements are basic visible units to create user interfaces. Each element has a specfic function, they don’t rely on other elements. They can be used alone or combined together to create UI patterns. For example, buttons can exist alone or combined to create a button group.


Patterns are implementations of generally used UI design patterns. They can be combinations or extensions based on elements or other collections. For example, search bar is the combination of a form text field element and a button element.


Most utilities include a single css rule with an !important flag at the end, they are used to define universal patterns or override built-in styles quickly. For example, the utility .rel contains a single css rule positon: relative !important.


Behaviors are pure javascript components or functional CSS definations, they are used to control or enhance interaction actions. For example, toggle is a commonly used behavior to show or hide an element without writting javascript.


Why No Template Parsing

Luda is not such a “cool” thing totally counts on client-side rendering. Using server-side rendering or client-side rendering should be decided by developers, but not Luda. As an UI library, Luda just fits in both situations. No matter what kind of techs you use, you can create component based applications with Luda.

On the other hand, no matter you’re using a front-end framework or a back-end framework, the template part of it has already been mature enough and I believe you are already familiar with it. Packaging component html tags in one template language is easier than mixing different template languages together, right? It’s unnecessary to embed another template language to confuse you when to use which one.

Why Not Web Components

Web components seem like the future of component based applications, and some great tools like Stencil has already taken this approach to build cross-framework components. If you need a web components based tool, Stencil is highly recommended.

Luda doesn’t aim to be another web components based library. The more things packaged in a component the less flexible the component is. As a flexible library, Luda repects your ways of packaging components. You can package a Luda component in any way you like, a custom element, a custom tag, or just a partial template. Not everybody is a big fun of web components, and every framework has its own way of packaging custom elements, but the choice is yours.

Why Not VanillaJs

In earlier versions, the javascript part of Luda was written in vanilla js. It was painful and inefficient to build components if without additional helpers. After a lot helpers builded, it seemed developers could build components more efficiently. But actually, it was not, developers had to take time to get familiar with the unkown helper functions.

So in version 0.3.0, the javascript part of Luda was totally rewritten, provided a familiar experience like using jQuery, and a better experience of building components. Luda takes developing experience higher priority over following the trends.

Is Luda A Library Or A Framework

As mentioned, Luda is a library. If you noticed alpha versions of Luda, you may saw “Luda is a lightweight and responsive UI framework for modern web development.” at the home page. That’s because at the begining of creating Luda, I planned to make it a framework, but soon I realized building a new framework was overkill for sovling the problems Luda focued on. So I changed my mind, just a library is enough.

Sorry for confusing you.